Trump's Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, acknowledges climate change in public statements but then secretly spends millions to fund climate-denying politicians, to block clean energy deployment and to spread misinformation minimizing climate change risks. Exxon says that it "... takes the risk of climate change seriously ..." Yet it says "We are confident that none of our hydrocarbon reserves are now or will become 'stranded'; yet, climate scientists say that Exxon will need to leave 80% of current reserves in the ground, in order to limit global warming to less than 2 degree C. In words, Rex Tillerson and ExxonMobil are not overt climate change deniers but they are climate change minimizers. In actions, Tillerson and Exxon are some of the most dangerous of climate change deniers, using their millions to control the politicians and to spread misinformation via the media. Further, Tillerson has a $500 billion deal with Russia's Putin to drill for oil in the Russian Arctic, that was blocked by U.S. sanctions on Russia. As Secretary of State, Tillerson could eliminate those sanctions and secure this oil deal for Exxon. Tillerson touts his Boy Scout credentials, having been the past president of the Boy Scouts of America. He seems to have forgotten the Boy Scout Law, which says Boy Scouts are "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courtesy, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent." To duplicitously and massively fund climate change denying politicians and fossil-fuel-advocating media is not trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly or kind. As Michael Brune, the Executive Director of Sierra Club has said “Rex Tillerson is a pioneer of the post-election Donald Trump climate-change head fake, which is to say one thing and to do the complete opposite.”